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In the meanwhile, please go through the following guidelines on guest posting:

  • The post must be a minimum of 800 words & needs to have a defined keyword relevant to the topic.
  • The article should be ORIGINAL. Plagiarism in any form turns me off.
  • Make sure that the article has something of real value & is worth reading for my readers.
  • The article must not be published elsewhere on your website. However, you’re most welcome to provide links to the post from your blog. If you wish to republish it on your site at some point, kindly inform me so that I can remove it from here. Friend, that’s only because SEO may screw your well-written post up otherwise.
  • You’ll be allowed a back link in the author bio.
  • Please DO NOT include any affiliate links in your post.
  • I reserve the copyright as long as the article appears on my blog. I shall also reserve the right to edit the article and I’d inform you about the same before publishing it.
  • Images should be properly attributed. FITBEWELL is NOT responsible for any copyright infringement that your article or its images may cause. You will be solely liable to actions in case of such an event.
  • Keep your article free from derogatory & defamatory language. No profane, pornographic, or objectionable content. STRICTLY NO!
  • I shall design relevant pins for your post in view of Pinterest. While I promote the article on all my social media, you are free to promote the article on yours too. In fact, you need to!
  • If your article violates ANY of the above guidelines, I retain the right to reject its appearance on my blog.

Now, that’s a very simple & clear idea about guest posting on FitbeWell. And I’m quite sure, it’s an easy bit for you so that we can churn out great post(s) for my readers. What say?

I just can’t wait to feature you here on my blog!

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