Archives for Skin Health
Does ThriveCo Ultimate Toner really shrink your pores?
If you've followed me for some time now, you know that I have never had the perfect skin. Since I was a teenager, my skin has been sensitive and prone…
Acne Myths Vs Facts | From someone who lived with it for 9 years
If you're here, I'm sure acne has bothered you big time. Or perhaps, your children. Well, if you've come here clearly assuming that I'm going to drop recommendations for some…
Acne Treatment : Why Antibiotics & Topical solutions never really work
You've known how often I've spoken about acne since my very first posts. Be it fighting acne up on the skin surface or dealing with it emotionally. Acne seemed like…
Skin positivity – Why everyone with acne or Pigmentation should embrace it
There goes another Instagram feed captioned the famous, "I WOKE UP LIKE THIS!" of a friend or a celebrity that you follow. And there's some hair not messed by the…